


太赫茲光電導天線 PCA

太赫茲光電導天線 PCA

  • 貨  號:G54AF7B43399A
  • 品  牌:BATOP
  • 銷售價:
app hook

 BATOP GmbH成立于2003年,是一家隸屬于德國耶拿大學的私人創(chuàng)新型公司。BATOP從事的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域包括:低溫分子束外延技術(shù),介質(zhì)濺射鍍膜,晶圓加工和芯片安裝技術(shù)。在過去幾年里, BATOP 已成為一個用于被動鎖模激光器的可飽和吸收體的世界領(lǐng)先的供應商。可飽和吸收產(chǎn)品集合了各式各樣的不同的器件,從可飽和吸收鏡(SAM?),到可飽和輸出鏡(SOC)和用于透過應用的可飽和吸收體(SA)。迄今為止,可飽和吸收產(chǎn)品已經(jīng)覆蓋了800nm到2.6μm的常用激光波長范圍。另一個產(chǎn)品系列是用于太赫茲發(fā)射和探測的太赫茲光電導天線(PCA)。BATOP不僅提供單帶隙天線,還包括整合了微透鏡的高能大狹縫交叉天線陣列和整套的太赫茲光譜儀。 太赫茲光電導天線的激發(fā)波長為800nm到1550nm之間。BATOP借助強大的研發(fā)能力來不斷提高自己的產(chǎn)品, 我們始終和客戶在一起,最好的滿足他們的需求。

PCA - Photoconductive antenna for Terahertz waves

-> see poster: "PCA survey" (2 MB) (pdf), "Photomixing" (pdf) "THz antenna mounting options" (pdf),

PCA product list

Wavelength region   530 nm ... 860 nm:

Wavelength region   800 nm ... 1100 nm:

Wavelength region   1000 nm ... 1550 nm:

PCA - Photoconductive antenna as terahertz transmitter

A photoconductive antenna, consisting of a low temperature grown GaAs or InGaAs film covered with metallic contacts can be used as an optical excited broadband terahertz emitter for time domain measurements or as photomixer. Typically an alternating voltage is supplied to the electrical contacts of the transmitter antenna to allow a lock-in measurement. There are at least two important antenna parameters: the length l and the gap distance g. The length l determines the prefered emitted frequency at theresonance condition. The gap of the transmitter antenna between the metallic contacts can be larger than the laser spot diameter.
The PCA can be accomplished with a hyperhemispherical or an aspheric silicon substrate lens to increase the extraction efficiency for THz waves.

PCA terahertz receiver 
The PCA receiver has the same design as the transmitter. The optimal gap between the metallic contacts is about equal to the laser spot diameter. A current amplifier connected to the antenna contacts delivers a signal proportional to the terahertz electric field strength.

iPCA - large area interdigital photoconductive antenna 
The iPCA is designated as high power THz transmitter, but can be used also as sensitive large area THz receiver. The interdigital antenna with a proprietary lens arrayconverts high power laser pulses up to mean power levels of 5 W with a high power conversion efficiency of ~ 10-4 into broadband THz pulses. More about iPCA ...

Trademark iPCA?
iPCA is a trademark of BATOP GmbH registered under the number 30 2008 027 538  at the Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt in Germany.

Recommended use of PCAs

Type of antennaemitterdetectorlow THz frequenyhigh THz frequenylow optical powerhigh optical power PCA1 - butterfly antenna + ++ ++ - - + PCA2 - parallel line antenna ++ + - ++ + - PCA3 - bow-tie antenna + ++ + + + - iPCA - large area interdigital array ++ ++ - ++ - ++ PCA - finger gap antenna + + + + ++ - SPCA - logarithmic spiral antenna ++ ++ ++ - + -

Wafer with pcas 


Rayscience Optoelectronic Innovation Co., Ltd 
電話:021-34635258 ,400-008-1064
E-mail: saleschina@rayscience.com 
Web: www.rayscience.com
